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Navigating the Innovation Economy – The 9th QED Changemaker Forum

What a fruitful discussion we had during our 9th Changemaker Forum on The Innovation Economy! From learning about the importance of aligning growth and sustainability goals, to the tangible ways corporations can show their commitment to those goals, it’s safe to say that the 73 attending senior leaders came out of the forum learning something new.

Held at the HomeTeamNS Clubhouse in Khatib, our attendees enjoyed hearing from esteemed speakers on the topic, before going into roundtable discussions to share their own thoughts. They were also treated to an exclusive tour of the smart clubhouse, where they got to see innovation at work.

Special thanks to our distinguished speakers:

  • Su-Yen Wong, Governing Council Chairperson at the Singapore Institute of Directors

  • Damien Kopp, Partner of NEXT Products and Platforms at NCS Group and

  • John Lim, Partner at Meet Ventures

  • Benjamin Tan, CEO of Mandai Global

A big thank you to our partners from Microsoft Singapore and NCS Group, as well as our host and Chief Executive of HomeTeamNS, Agnes Eu. And to our attendees, this event would not have been possible without your support.

As always, a post-event report of the session will be ready soon. If you would like a copy, drop us an email at with your name, organisation, and designation.

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