NOV 2019 - We had over 60 employers, human resources (HR) teams, & hiring managers join us on 6 Nov at the Lifelong Learning Institute (LLI) to discover the government funding & grants available to them that supported their digital talent sourcing & training needs.
At the session, we shared details of the 70% to 90% training subsidy and salary support available via the Professional Conversion Programme (PCP) For In-House Digital Communications, and how our new Talent Assist (T-Assist) supported Masterclasses provides training in digital marketing and design thinking at nominal rates.

The Workforce Singapore (WSG) team was also present to share about additional funding support from initiatives like P-Max and Career Support Programme that employers could stack with the PCP to further support their digital hiring needs.
Didn’t manage to join us? Not to worry - we’d be more than happy to share more about the various grants & initiatives covered during the session separately.
If you’re interested, please email yingjie@qed.sg